Saturday, November 1, 2008

some things you should know...

I'm continally haunted by my past.
I'm scared that all good things don't last.
I try hard to be a good Christian,
But I'm easily blinded by the rush of rebellion.
I'm a good girl at heart,
But I've got a long shadow on the side of me dark.
When I look at my glass, it's usually half gone,
But please don't take this all wrong
For there's nothing better than the warmth of my sun,
And I'm always up for anything fun.
I tilt my head back when I laugh
Because it opens my heart to the joys on life's path.
I pause on my runs to smile at the beautiful day
And often wonder exactly I could ever say
How much I love my friends and family.
I try to show them what they mean to me
Through my simple words and attempts at grace.
All in all, my world's a sunny place,
But keep eyes open for the few black clouds
Cuz it's hard to see my sun when I'm covered in my shroud.

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