Saturday, November 1, 2008

"Run baby run"

"He sent me another message today"
I hear myself say
"Huh, well, what did he want?"
She asks with a grunt
"Not sure," I lied
Not exactly knowing what I hide.
"Just to know I'm his I guess
He's trying to keep me in his mess."
I'm trying to throw the blame
Dodging again the old, numbing pain.
She looks in my eyes
Knowing I'm trying hard not to cry.
"I had the dream again,
the one all about him"
She nods with understanding,
But in her position remains unbending.
Her eyes full of sadness lend
A soft caress to a wound she can't mend.
My unfixable pains have just begun
so she offers the best cure she can: to run.
"Run my daughter, and run hard"
Escape a heartache that's away so far,
Yet so near it's grasping at your heart.
A constant sadness that never parts.
Run, baby, run and don't look back.
Don't write, don't call, don't cut him slack.
Through sweat and tears you'll come
To the fact in point, he's not the one.
So look at me daughter, and run."

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