Monday, July 26, 2010


Things I love about you...
#1. You never let our conversations end on a bad note.
#2. You don't use words cheaply.
#3. You make me more patient and more considerate.
#4. You drive a beat-up Taurus with no a/c.
#5. You listen when we argue.
#6. You argue back.
#7. You call for no reason.
#8. You beat me in sports. All sports.
#9. Your friends love their girlfriends/wives.
#10. You're dedicated to anything you commit to.
#11. You love your family and they love you.
#12. You take your mom ice cream for no reason.
#13. You get excited over simple things.
#14. You're successful in whatever you put your mind to.
#15. You have a picture of us in your room and there are dust marks underneath it.

Things I dislike about you
#1. You text all the time
#2. You ignore me for baseball.
#3. You don't know how to have a relationship.
#4. You cling to your past.
#5. You're overly organized.
#6. You work long hours for no extra pay.
#7. You delay answers that will annoy me/others.
#8. You can't say no.
#9. Any type of new experience intimidates you.
#10. You live in Freeburg and are totally content with it.
#11. You won't call me your girlfriend (which is what I am).

I love lists.
They give a sense of purpose.
They're a distraction
from boring classes
boring meetings
grading and homework and
I make lists of reality
but rarely are they completed.
I make to-do lists for events
that cannot possibly be completed
for months.
I know I'll lose the list by then
but I write it anyway.
I carelessly toss it into a bag
lose it
start over.
A vicious cycle of ignoring reality.

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