Tuesday, December 28, 2010

grow up

why do i constantly
have to be
the teacher
i teach you about girls
about their conniving ways
about their jealous betrayals
about their constant need for attention.
and after it all
i may as well have been talking to a wall
you're a smart guy
you have a good job
you have great relationships with others
you are responsible with finances and friendships
and yet you're blind
to the ways of womankind
you stare at the red, shiny apple
when you know you shouldn't
you fall into her trap
without even noticing the net
you view the situation
through your single rose colored lens
when will you wake up?
when will you realize?
when will you grow up?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

hey you

don't try to figure them out
read them for what they are
you say a lot of things
i'm not sure you really mean
i need time to think this through
i've known people like you -
because you're like me
you think impulsively
but you're emotions are passionate
and what's ironic
is that those are traits desire
i need that fuel to light my fire
but sometimes two flames together
are a bit too much
and we'll eventually combust
into a pile of disastrous dust.
so forgive me
for thinking carefully.
and give me time
to figure out this tangled mind.

Saturday, December 4, 2010


I’m a fridge full of leftovers.

There’s some rotten broccoli in the bottom drawer

And if you open it, you can be sure it’ll smell up the entire room

like a smelly broccoli boom.

There’s some fermented orange juice on the top shelf

Bulging and ready to pop its cap

At the simplest little aggravated tap.

And if you open the freezer you'll be sure to find

A nice layer of frosty frozen freezer burn

Which has ruined any flavor of food it has spurned.

These relationship leftovers are scattered in my heart

Just waiting to cause a mess;

Ruin all relationships to leave me loveless

They linger in the laziness of disposal

You want to throw them out;

to be rid of them no doubt

But each time, it’s easier just to close the door and walk away

Deal with them some other day.

But how long til someone stops risking to open the door?